Vehicle repair is an activity that almost any vehicle owner is familiar with. Vehicles are expensive and are composed of various subsystems which are prone to failure. Therefore, many vehicle owners learn early to maintain their own vehicle and that doing so will be cost effective in the long run as it can help avoid more expensive repairs. Repairing your own vehicles is generally not difficult and rarely requires the services of a professional. However, in the event that certain parts need replacement, it becomes necessary to acquire spare parts, which may not be straightforward depending on the model of the vehicle. While most vehicles would have documented spare parts and official suppliers, others do not, especially if the vehicle is old or is an obscure model. This article describes several factors that should be considered before buying vehicle spare parts.

Genuine parts

Genuine parts refer to spare parts that are made by the manufacturer of the vehicle or a supplier for the manufacturer. Genuine spare parts are often more expensive than third party spare parts, but the additional cost may be worth it as genuine spare parts are guaranteed to meet the specifications of the vehicle, and often come with warranty from the manufacturer. This is especially important for crucial parts of the vehicle, such as brake drums and shoes, the failure of which can lead to destructive accidents. Genuine parts can be verified through the manufacturer’s website or a manual, but for older vehicles it may be difficult to find genuine spare parts. Certain dishonest sellers may also attempt to sell counterfeit parts under the guise of genuineness, so it is important to be able to distinguish between genuine parts and those that aren’t.

Seller’s Profile

The reputation and business practices of the seller is also important, as it can hint as to whether they are honest or trying to swindle you. Sellers are in a favourable position to mislead customers, especially during spare parts sales as many end users cannot distinguish between genuine and counterfeit parts. Regrettably, the vehicle industry is rife with scammers and other malicious actors looking for ways to take advantage of customers. Therefore, it is important to check the reviews and recommendations of a seller before buying their wares.

Warranties and Return Policies

There may be instances where you may need to return vehicle parts, due to them not being the part you required, not being as effective as advertised or a myriad of other reasons. Therefore, the return policy of a store is important as it protects you against wasting your money. Many vehicle parts stores accept returns if the spare part is undamaged, or you return within a certain amount of time. Certain parts, especially genuine parts, often have warranties that entitle the buyer to a replacement or other forms of compensation if the part fails to perform as advertised. This is the ideal case as it virtually guarantees that the repair will last.

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